News Releases

Swearing in 3

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Jerry Moran was officially sworn in today by Vice President Joseph Biden in the Senate Chamber of the U.S. Capitol, and was escorted by Senator Pat Roberts and Governor-elect Sam Brownback. Moran is replacing Governor-Elect Sam Brownback, who retired from the Senate.

“I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve all Kansans in the U.S. Senate. Our country is facing a number of challenges, and one of the greatest is the national debt caused by decades of overspending and government growth. This out-of-control spending and borrowing jeopardizes the prosperity of future generations who will have to pay off our debt. In Kansas, we lead a special way of life that is worth fighting to preserve for the next generation. That fight has been my focus and will continue to be in the Senate,” said Moran. 

Prior to his election in the U.S. Senate, Moran served Kansans in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the Big First Congressional district for seven terms. In the House, Moran served as a senior member of the House Agriculture Committee, and was an active member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, where he was the previous Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health.

Immediately following the official swearing in ceremony, Moran participated in a long-time Senate tradition of reenacting the swearing in ceremony with his wife, Robba, daughters Kelsey and Alex and Vice President Biden in the Old Senate Chamber in the U.S. Capitol.
