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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) spoke on the U.S. Senate Floor about his concerns with Obamacare. Sen. Moran pointed out that if President Obama can make changes, exemptions and delays to the “law of the land,” then Congress should also have that ability:
“The Affordable Care Act is a very controversial piece of legislation. It’s been said here on the Senate Floor it’s the law; it’s not negotiable. It doesn’t make sense to me that that’s the position. In fact, the President has delayed, excluded, found exemptions for what’s the law. So surely if the President can, for example, delay the implementation of the employer mandate, it’s not without the realm, in fact, I would say it’s within the constitutional responsibility of Congress to have the debate, discussion and consideration of whether to delay the individual mandate. It’s the law of the land, but if the President can make changes in the law of the land, surely the body created by Article 1, the legislative branch, has that opportunity to do as well.”
FTP LINK: Click here to download his floor speech. (Save to your desktop.)
AUDIO LINK: Click here to download audio of the remarks.
YOUTUBE: Click here to watch his remarks on YouTube.
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