News Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), along with Senators Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), last week introduced the Startup Act – bipartisan jobs legislation to encourage creation and growth of new business. The Startup Act has received praise from numerous Kansas City area businesses and foundations. Please see the following statements in support of the Startup Act:

Sprint Corporation:
“Sprint supports the Startup Act, and thanks Senators Moran and Warner for leading on this important issue. Retaining foreign students in the STEM field is a critical component to making our country competitive and attracting top talent from around the globe.”

Clifton A. Pemble, President & CEO, Garmin:
“Like many technology companies, Garmin depends on STEM educated engineers to help us bring ideas and concepts to the marketplace . . . We were pleased to hear of your plans to introduce the Startup Act, which we believe will bring practical solutions to the concerns we have about our immigration system. Your proposed Startup Act offers a new STEM visa which will allow tech companies here in the United States – like Garmin – to keep foreign educated students here where their talents and ideas will fuel our growth and create even more jobs . . . Garmin strongly supports the Startup Act which will not only help Garmin be successful but will fuel America’s growth into the future. We thank you for your efforts to reach a reasonable, practical solution to our immigration system.”

Jason Wiens, Director of Policy, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation:
“Entrepreneurs are critical to the vitality of American communities. Based on research, we know that job creation, innovation and overall quality of life for all Americans would receive a boost by increasing the numbers of entrepreneurs in our nation. Without them and the startups they create, many will continue to be left out of our economy.”

Sarah Shipley, Chairwoman, Kansas City Startup Foundation:
“On behalf of the Kansas City Startup Foundation (KCSF), I am writing to express our strong support of the Startup Act. The United States is built by entrepreneurs and relies on a pipeline of talented immigrants who choose to start businesses in the United States. This Startup Act will support job growth, research and retain the global talent we need to keep our economic advantage. We believe that this Startup Act will foster further entrepreneurship in Kansas City, and our country . . . Not only does the Startup Act create a pipeline for talented global entrepreneurs, it creates the means for citizenship, STEM scholarship, and needed resources to invest, innovate and expand job creation which creates overall economic growth. The Kansas City Startup Foundation is happy to support the Startup Act and looks forward to its passage.”

George Hansen, President & CEO, Enterprise Center of Johnson County:
“As representatives of the Kansas entrepreneurial and early-stage investment ecosystem, we are very familiar with the challenges that Kansans face in starting and growing businesses. These new and high-growth businesses are essential to the future of our nation’s economy. We commend Sen. Moran for his continued advocacy on behalf of entrepreneurs and job creators in the reintroduction of the Startup Act.”

Marianne Hudson, Executive Director, Angel Capital Association:
“Thank you for introducing a new “Startup Act” in early 2019. On behalf of our 14,000-member angel investors across the country, the Angel Capital Association supports your new bill and your continued support of policies that promote the health and growth of American startup businesses. These companies fuel economic growth in the U.S. and create innovations and high paying jobs. The Startup Act includes a range of helpful policies and programs that support new business creation and growth. We appreciate the legislation’s focus on better equipping lawmakers with the information they need to encourage entrepreneurship with the most successful policies. Thanks again for your focus on the startups that are critical to the American economy.”

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