
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (Kan.) – spoke about the importance of increasing Kansas energy production and making certain that the United States is energy independent.

Sen. Moran’s remarks as delivered:

“In Kansas, we know the importance of energy. We utilize it in our daily lives, we travel long distances from home to work and we use it in agriculture.

“We have seen what can happen when you are dependent upon some other country. Look at what is going on in Europe and their relationship with Russia.

“We need to make certain that we are doing the things necessary to meet our own energy needs with our own energy.

“We ought to be encouraging production of oil and natural gas but it is an all-of-the-above policy.

“We produce a lot of wind and energy here. We have solar farms. We have renewable fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol.

“Those are the things we use, and we can help the rest of the world if we let Kansans produce Kansas energy.”

Click HERE to Watch Sen. Moran’s Remarks on Kansas Energy

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