August 2015
Date | Title |
8/5/15 | Advocating for Human Life at Every Stage |
May 2015
Date | Title |
5/22/15 | Courageous Veterans Fight Silent Battles at Home |
5/4/15 | A Tradition of Listening to Kansans |
April 2015
Date | Title |
4/13/15 | It's Time to Replace Our Broken Tax Code |
January 2015
Date | Title |
1/20/15 | Restoring Trade with Cuba Makes Economic, Moral Sense |
December 2014
Date | Title |
12/15/14 | Securing the Future of Aerospace in Kansas |
November 2014
Date | Title |
11/24/14 | Giving Thanks for Blessings as Kansans, Americans |
September 2014
Date | Title |
9/16/14 | CNN: Why U.S. must be part of Ebola response |
9/4/14 | Washington Takes Action to Reform VA |
July 2014
Date | Title |
7/31/14 | Washington County News: Sen. Moran voices frustration with state of DC politics |