National Security and Military
More than two centuries ago, our founding fathers wisely amended the United States Constitution by adopting the Bill of Rights to protect citizens from a tyrannical government. Since then, our democracy has stood strong and Americans have benefitted from the liberties the Bill of Rights guarantees them– including the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. Throughout my time in Congress, I have stood with Kansans in my efforts to protect these valuable freedoms.
As Democrats continue to wage war on law abiding citizens and the Constitutional rights protected by the Second Amendment, I remain committed in my defense of these fundamental rights.
I remain an ardent supporter of legislation that protect or expands the right of American citizen to keep and bear arms. The first is the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act which would allow individuals who are qualified to carry a concealed firearm in their home state the ability to legally carry in any state in which concealed carry is allowed. The right to self-defense for law-abiding citizens should not end at their home state border. I also support the Hearing Protection Act, legislation that would overhaul the burdensome process for purchasing firearm accessories, like suppressors, and eliminate the costly tax that unfairly punishes gun owners. Furthermore, I have introduced legislation to prohibit taxpayer money from being used by the Department of Homeland Security to purchase ammunition without presenting the necessary justification to Congress.
Another significant threat to Second Amendment freedoms is the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, signed by former Secretary of State John Kerry on September 25, 2013. The intent of the treaty is to establish “common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms,” but it fails to exempt civilian firearms from its scope or even recognize the individual right of self-defense. As such, I introduced S. Con. Res. 7 in March 2013, legislation signed by 35 of my Senate colleagues, to make clear any Arms Trade Treaty that infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of Americans is dead on arrival in the U.S. Senate. When the Obama Administration ignored our concerns, 50 U.S. Senators joined my letter to express our regret and opposition to ratification. My work to protect Americans from this unjust treaty is ongoing and, since then, I have worked to ensure American tax dollars are not used to support this treaty by introducing amendments to both the budget reconciliation and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill that are considered by Congress each year that prohibit funding from the United State.
While much needs to be done to prevent violent crime in our nation, more restrictions on responsible, law-abiding firearm owners are not the answer. We must redouble our efforts to enforce all existing gun laws, which are extremely effective in protecting our communities, and use our legal power to prosecute criminals who misuse firearms to the fullest extent of the law. I will continue to support Second Amendment freedoms and oppose any legislation before Congress that violates the Second Amendment.