News Releases
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) today joined U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) in sponsoring legislation to fully repeal President Obama’s health care reform law. The legislation mirrors the repeal bill passed by the U.S. House of Representative last week by a bipartisan vote of 245 to 189.
“Americans want health care reform that improves our current system and reduces costs,” Sen. Moran said. “Instead of enacting improvements to increase competition and choice for health coverage, President Obama’s health law will raise costs, increase premiums and reduce American jobs at the worst possible time. This law jeopardizes patients’ access to care, stifles businesses with job-crushing tax hikes and regulatory requirements, increases our national debt, expands burdens on states, and allows the federal government to intrude upon the most personal decisions Americans make every day. The best path forward for Kansas and our nation is to repeal this law completely so we can implement sustainable polices that will actually lower health care costs for families and expand their access to affordable, quality health coverage.”
While in the U.S. House of Representatives, then-Congressman Moran was the first member to introduce legislation to repeal the Obama health care bill. He also sponsored legislation to repeal a costly and unprecedented 1099 tax reporting burden included in the health care law. As senator, he is sponsoring similar legislation on the paperwork burden as well.
- Leading Economists project that “ObamaCare” will add roughly $500 billion in new health care taxes, passing those costs to patients and will raise the federal budget deficit by more than $500 billion over the next 10 years and by nearly $1.5 trillion in the following decade.
- Obama’s health care bill will raid Social Security and Medicare, and according to the Congressional Budget Office will increase health care costs to families by $2,100 per year.
- The Heritage Foundation estimates that the economy will lose 670,000 jobs under the new law, many of them in the health care industry.
- An American Action Forum study finds that employers will be forced to drop employer-sponsored health care coverage for as many as 35 million Americans.
- An analysis from HSA Consulting Services concludes the new law restricts the use of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and reduces the amount of money that can be contributed to Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs).
- As of Dec. 3, 2010, 222 waivers from the Obama health care bill’s annual limit requirements had been granted to businesses, labor unions and insurers, affecting 1.5 million enrollees.
- On Dec. 13, 2010, a U.S. district ruled that it is unconstitutional for the government to impose an individual mandate to buy health insurance.
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