News Releases
Sen. Moran Supports Domestic Energy Production
Introduces amendment to extend wind energy tax credit
Feb 15 2012
“If we expect the wind energy industry to make long-term investments in their businesses and provide for our country’s future energy needs, Congress must quickly work to reauthorize the wind production tax credit,” Sen. Moran said. “The wind industry has relied upon this tax incentive to aid in its development so it can become fully cost competitive in the marketplace. I support this extension with the understanding that the wind industry will soon become more economically viable and openly compete in the free market.”
Kansas is ranked second in the United States in wind resource potential and leads the nation in wind capacity currently under construction. With hundreds of Kansans employed in manufacturing and installing wind farm components, Kansas is a national leader in wind energy production.
Nationally, expiration of the wind production tax credit could cost as many as 37,000 jobs, according to the American Wind Energy Association.
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