News Releases
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) – member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works – today applauded the passage of the bipartisan America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, S.3021, by a 99-1 vote in the Senate. This legislation was passed unanimously last month by the U.S. House of Representatives.
“From flood protection to modernizing our drinking water systems, this legislation will address critical components of Kansas’ infrastructure that are far too often taken for granted,” said Sen. Moran. “Our farmers, ranchers and manufacturers rely on our ports and waterways for access to markets around the world. With more than 60 percent of our grain exports moving through America’s inland waterways, along with a multitude of other commodities and products, this legislation will benefit Kansas agriculture and stakeholders across a number of industries. In addition, by increasing local involvement and providing more feasible cost-sharing arrangements with Kansans, this legislation delivers much needed progress for more efficient and innovative solutions to address our infrastructure needs.”
The America’s Water Infrastructure Act supports the viability of water resources important to Kansas by increasing local stakeholder input in federal projects, providing protection from dangerous floodwaters, improving maintenance of federally-owned reservoirs and maintaining the navigability of inland waterways across the country. This legislation reauthorizes major water infrastructure financing programs, promotes the use of hydropower and assists local communities with updating their drinking water systems.
Highlights of the America’s Water Infrastructure Act for Kansans:
- Provides financial relief to Kansans for federally-owned and operated water resource projects, including Kansas farmers and local sponsors along the Missouri River.
- Expands local stakeholders’ roles in Army Corps projects by allowing local project sponsors to perform and be reimbursed for project activities that can be completed more efficiently and at a lower cost than the Federal government, while also increasing partnership opportunities with institutions of higher education for project delivery.
- Increases funding for certain Continuing Authorities Programs (CAP) that help Kansas communities initiate projects.
- Provides for an expedited feasibility study and future access to federal funding for an ecosystem restoration project on the Kansas River near Topeka.
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