News Releases
Sen. Moran: Senate Democrats and White House Stage Nuclear Sideshow to Shift Focus from Obamacare Crisis
Nov 21 2013
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) released the following statement this morning in reaction to Senate Democrats’ breaking rules of the Senate to force through judicial nominations:
“Majority leader Harry Reid has staged an elaborate sideshow in an attempt to divert Americans’ attention away from the broken promises of Obamacare. Senate Democrats are breaking the rules of the Senate so they can continue to invoke the same procedural tactics they used when Obamacare was forced through Congress without a single Republican vote. If the Affordable Care Act had been passed with careful deliberation and input from all those elected to represent the American people, Democrats might not be watching their flagship achievement and the healthcare security of their constituents unravel before their eyes today.
“The simple truth is the Senate has confirmed 215 of the President’s judicial nominees and rejected only two since 2009 – a 99 percent confirmation rate. The American people are tired of politically motivated distractions and broken promises; 93 percent of voters want Washington to work together to fix or repeal Obamacare. Unfortunately, Democratic Senators are ignoring the real challenges Americans face and continuing to do whatever it takes to push their misguided agenda on the nation.”