News Releases

Sen. Moran Calls on Kansans to Join Spending Crisis Fight

New Initiative Urges Lawmakers to Address America's Debt, Deficit and Direction

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) launched a new effort to enable Kansans to get involved in the fight to reduce the nation’s growing deficit by learning about the issue, exploring proposed solutions, and providing their feedback directly to Washington.

The core of the approach is an interactive website called Fight For Our Future,, which features data and infographics describing our government’s true fiscal condition. Site visitors can review specific provisions within debt reduction proposals and vote for those they believe are most effective. They also have an opportunity to co-sign a letter to President Obama urging him to put politics aside and engage Congress and the public in an open, honest and urgent discussion to confront our fiscal challenges. Finally, visitors can share their opinion about why spending cuts are essential to our country’s future.

“It’s time for the decisions that determine our country’s future to be debated out in the open with input from the American people,” Sen. Moran said. “Too often last minute, closed door deals are made that don’t address our country’s true problem: spending levels that threaten to bankrupt the Treasury. Americans want and deserve to have their voices heard, and I hope they will utilize the Fight For Our Future site to share their concerns.”

 In addition to the Fight For Our Future website, Sen. Moran will deliver a speech on the Senate floor calling on Kansans to make their voices heard, host a tele-town hall meeting tonight, and solicit feedback on various plans to reduce spending via his Facebook page.

The goal of the initiative is to communicate to the President and Congress that it’s time to have a practical discussion on spending and ultimately do what Kansans do: Make decisions based on solid values and be held accountable for those decisions.


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