News Releases
Sen. Moran Statement on President's FY 2014 Budget
"The President's modest trimming of Medicare is overshadowed by accounting gimmicks and tax increases of over $1.1 trillion dollars, putting this budget proposal right in line with the President's long history of tax, spend and higher deficits."
Apr 10 2013
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s FY 2014 budget submission:
“At a time when our national debt exceeds $16 trillion, I am pleased that Americans did not have to wait any longer for a budget proposal from the President. Despite trillion-dollar deficits every year of his presidency, it is encouraging to see President Obama begin to accept reality and consider reforms to our long-term unfunded liabilities. However, this is far from the serious, reform-oriented budget our country so desperately needs. The President’s modest trimming of Medicare is overshadowed by accounting gimmicks and tax increases of over $1.1 trillion dollars, putting this budget proposal right in line with the President’s long history of tax, spend and higher deficits. Every dollar of deficit reduction the President proposes comes from tax increases on families, small businesses and job creators which will hurt our already fragile economic recovery.”
“Though disappointed, I remain steadfast in my commitment to addressing our national debt and will closely examine and evaluate the provisions of the President’s proposal. I hope to work with my Senate colleagues to shape a federal budget that funds the government’s liabilities while facilitating a pro-growth environment and making the smart spending cuts needed to reduce our deficit.”
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