News Releases
“Today President Obama stated that ‘the private sector is doing fine.’ I respectfully disagree – with 40 consecutive months of unemployment above 8 percent and 1 in 2 college graduates unable to find work, we are not doing fine. When it comes to creating jobs, the answer is not more government spending and more government programs. Government must get out of the way and reduce the drag on the private sector so entrepreneurs can pursue success, start businesses, and put Americans to work.
“My colleagues and I have introduced Startup Act 2.0 to do just that – bipartisan and bicameral legislation that picks up where the JOBS Act left off by doing more to jumpstart the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses. Rather than continue to blame Congress for election-year inaction, I invite President Obama to work with us to pass Startup Act 2.0, which includes many provisions supported by his own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Now is the time to act – not after the election, not next year.”
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