News Releases
Sen. Moran Applauds Administration Announcement of Drug-Free Communities Grants to Combat Drug Crisis in Kansas
Grants Support Efforts to Emphasize Substance Use Prevention Among Youth
Aug 30 2018
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) today applauded the announcement of six Drug-Free Communities (DFC) grant recipients in the state of Kansas, including three new grant recipients – totaling over $710,000. The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program, created by the Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997, is the nation’s leading effort to mobilize communities to prevent youth substance use. Directed by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the DFC program provides grants to community coalitions to strengthen the infrastructure among local partners to create and sustain a reduction in local youth substance use.
“The Drug-Free Communities Support Program is a time-tested and proven program that works to help prevent teenage drug abuse and addiction,” said Sen. Moran. “I am grateful for the work these six Kansas grantees do to educate Kansas teenagers about the brutal effects of drug addiction and am glad they will be receiving additional resources to help make an impact in their local communities. I appreciate the administration’s continued attention to combatting this crisis and I will continue working with my colleagues to help end the scourge of this epidemic.”
“Since our first grant awards were made in 1998, the DFC Program has continued to expand its reach in communities across the country,” said Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy James Carroll. “It is a testament to the great work DFC coalitions are doing, together with community partners that include parent groups, schools, healthcare professionals, law enforcement, businesses, and others to prevent drug use and improve the health of communities. Our local DFC coalitions are a key part of this effort because they are relentless in their coordinated and focused work to prevent youth from initiating drug use and ultimately, saving more lives.”
The grants awarded to Kansas can be found below and here:
- $125,000 for Reno County Communities That Care, Reno County;
- $125,000 for Healthy Harvey Drug Free Communities Coalition, Harvey County;
- $125,000 for Safe Streets Wichita, Sedgwick County;
- $125,000 for Sumner County Community Drug Action Team, Sumner County;
- $123,956 for Manhattan Area Risk Prevention Coalition, Riley County;
- $86,904 for Drug Free Osage County, Osage County.
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