News Releases

Sen. Moran Urges POTUS to Expeditiously Provide Disaster Aid to Kansas

“I do not remember a time where flooding in my state has been worse . . . I urge you to approve this request”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) today urged President Trump to expeditiously approve of Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s request for federal disaster relief and emergency protective measures, noting that “nearly half of Kansas’ 105 counties are part of a state of disaster declaration.”

Governor Kelly has submitted a request to you for federal disaster relief and emergency protective measures, including rescue support and shelter management support,” wrote Sen. Moran. “I urge you to support and approve this request. Volunteers are working diligently alongside local, state and federal officials to provide emergency assistance to those in need. However, state and local resources are strained. Additional federal assistance is needed to aid the recovery and help prevent further damage caused by the flooding.

Full text of the letter is here and below.

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C.  20500

Dear President Trump:

Since April 28, 2019, Kansas has experienced heavy rainfall and harmful storms that have resulted in a significant portion of the state experiencing serious flooding. Property has been damaged and several communities have been evacuated. Nearly half of Kansas’ 105 counties are part of a state of disaster declaration, initially signed by Governor Laura Kelly on May 9 and later this weekend amended to add additional counties that have since been impacted. I do not remember a time where flooding in my state has been worse.

In addition to the rain that the state has already received, precipitation is predicted to continue, taxing already burdened resources.

Governor Kelly has submitted a request to you for federal disaster relief and emergency protective measures, including rescue support and shelter management support, which I have included as an addendum. I urge you to support and approve this request. Volunteers are working diligently alongside local, state and federal officials to provide emergency assistance to those in need. However, state and local resources are strained. Additional federal assistance is needed to aid the recovery and help prevent further damage caused by the flooding.

Mr. President, thank you for your timely consideration of this urgent matter. Please feel free to call on me if I can be of assistance.

