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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) welcomed President Barack Obama Tuesday ahead of the President’s trip to Kansas City where he will deliver a speech on the American economy. Sen. Moran encouraged the President to use the visit to listen to the concerns and experiences of entrepreneurs, workers and business owners of America’s “most entrepreneurial” city.
“As President Obama spends time Kansas City this week, I encourage him to visit and listen to some of Kansas City’s exciting and innovative businesses,” Sen. Moran said. “While Kansas City’s dynamic economy is growing, President Obama will learn that many of our businesses are fighting an uphill battle against Washington’s heavy-handed policies as reckless regulations limit the American economy from realizing its potential.
“One of the best ways we can get America’s economy back on track is by passing Startup Act 3.0,” Sen. Moran continued. “This bipartisan legislation has been endorsed by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and earned the praise of President Obama’s own Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. With the President’s support, Congress can pass this bill and bring a commonsense approach to regulation, allow businesses to attract talent, stimulate research and development, and unleash American innovation, growth and job creation.”
Sen. Moran is the lead sponsor of Startup Act 3.0 and co-founder of the Senate Economic Mobility Caucus.