News Releases

Sen. Moran Pays Tribute to Sen. Pat Roberts on the Senate Floor

“It's the time for me to say in return, on behalf of all Kansans, thank you for your service to our nation and to our state”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) spoke today on the Senate floor to honor Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), following Sen. Roberts’ farewell address.

“Pat’s role model – the person he may admire the most – is Kansan Dwight Eisenhower,” said Sen. Moran. “Pat Roberts, I have no doubt that you’ve lived up to that role model, that Kansan that is esteemed around the world, and you’ve led like Ike led. I thank you and your staff for all you have done for Kansans and America. I thank you for what you’ve done for me and my team.”

“You said thank you to Kansans; you said thank you to this Senate,” continued Sen. Moran. “I think it's the time for me to say in return, on behalf of all Kansans, thank you for your service to our nation and to our state. A life being well lived, you are the example.”

Click HERE to Watch Sen. Moran’s Full Remarks


During his speech, Sen. Moran also read prepared remarks from former Senator Bob Dole honoring Sen. Roberts starting at 13:00:

 “Kansas has certainly benefited from your steadfast leadership. You care about the Sunflower State, and you care about our nation – and that’s always been what matters most. Your strength of character, plain-spoken optimism, and determination to make a positive difference in people’s lives – that’s what people will remember about your legacy of public service here. You’re a great American and a dear friend, and Elizabeth and I wish nothing but the best for you and Franki from here on out. One important point of clarification though – the filibuster simply doesn’t work at home. God Bless America, BOB DOLE.”

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