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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) spoke on the Senate Floor before voting to support the National Security Supplemental legislation. The National Security Supplemental passed the Senate 79-18 and will now be sent to the President’s desk for signature.

“National security crises abroad and here at home are ever increasing,” said Sen. Moran. “Iran launched a full-scale attack on Israel; Hamas has stated its intent to wipe Israel off the map; Russia continues its brutal aggression in Ukraine; and China is rapidly modernizing its military and using companies to spy and track Americans. Each of these conflicts are interconnected, and it would be naive to send aid to Israel but take a pass on supporting Ukraine, Taiwan or our other allies.”

“It is vital for the United States to be a steadfast and reliable partner in the midst of so many dangers that threaten the world and our own nation’s peace and prosperity,” continued Sen. Moran. “There is no path forward for Ukraine, there is no path forward for Israel or for Taiwan if the United States of America disengages in the world. The price tag is significant, but in the absence of taking a stand now, we have to take a stand tomorrow. Do what we need to do today or pay a price later, and later will be even more costly. In addition, a majority of the funding provided to Ukraine in this package and in previous packages will be directly injected back into the U.S. economy.”

“The challenges we face will not resolve themselves, and the preservation of freedom requires enormous effort,” said Sen. Moran. “Our greatest responsibilities as American citizens is to make sure that those who follow us live with the freedom and liberties that were guaranteed by our Constitution. That were fought to protect and defend by those who sacrificed – many of them who sacrificed their own lives. This week we have an opportunity to deliver on that effort – to live up to our responsibilities as Americans; to be a steadfast and reliable partner.”

“Americans, who will be directly impacted, are watching, but so are our adversaries and allies,” concluded Sen. Moran. “I hope we are successful in fighting for and defending the liberties and freedoms of America and Americans, and protecting and securing the remainder of the world. It is in our benefit, America’s benefit, to do so.”

Click HERE to Watch Sen. Moran’s Full Remarks